Delivery & Refund Policy

Delivery & Refund Policy

After placing an order online or by phone we will notify you of your delivery date and a receipt will be sent via text or email. We do our best to get your order to you as fast as we can. Each of the product pages on have listed our estimated time of arrival (ETA) for delivery. In situations where weather may influence the time of delivery or safety of our drivers this may change but you will be notified in advance. In situations where delivery of firewood may potentially damage property (examples: vehicles in driveway, windows, fences, etc) we have the right to cancel and reschedule your delivery. 

We do not ship any of our products. If you order a product out of our service area we will not deliver and a refund will be issued, minus a 15% restocking fee plus any payment fees incurred from your transaction.

For questions use our contact form.